
28 Oct, 2019
11 Dec, 2017

Why compressors are a must during Harvest

Earlier this year one of our team delivered a new Atlas Copco U-190 Utility Compressor to a customer in Merredin, WA 3.5hrs east of Perth. The compressor was purchased by two brothers who own a large wheat and sheep farm which requires a fleet of machinery to maintain and manage it. Merredin typically experiences light winter rainfalls and hot to extreme temperatures through summer. These conditions make them susceptible to high fire danger throughout the warmer months so a suitable plan to prevent such incidents is a must.

By spending time with the customer and observing their operation the Atlas CEA representative was able to observe that the primary purpose of the compressor was to blow down the header, tractor and baler after use. This has to be done to prevent any build-up of fine particle’s and straw around the moving parts within the machines. Not completing this task can result in a serious fire hazard. Fires during harvesting are extremely common. A fire can start either in the crops near the paddock being harvested, or inside the machinery itself – often while in operation. This can lead to not only physical damage but business interruptions such a sourcing a replacement piece of equipment mid-season which can be time consuming, and expensive.

Both brothers were very open and honest in regards to the importance of cleaning down their machines during harvest and also discussed how preforming preventative maintenance reduces overheads. As you can imagine tractors, headers and balers are all highly valuable machines so ensuring preventative maintenance processes are in place for farmers is an absolute must.

Using an Atlas Copco compressor to blow down your machinery can not only save you time and money but also give you piece of mind that your machinery will perform to its fullest potential.

The Utility Range

The 8 Series Utility range is a light weight, compact package. Whilst not fitted with wheels, the integrated features make this a highly mobile, easy to move compressor.

All 8 Series compressors are under 750 kg and with service able to be  completed in under one hour, downtime is minimal. The Utility range offers models with our revolutionary PACE system. PACE enables you to control the pressure and regulate the flow – giving you even more versatility to handle the toughest applications. All models come with a corrosion free C3 rated canopy.

Introducing PACE technology

  • An electronic regulation system programmed via a digital controller.
  • A system that offers the widest operating pressure range within a single compressor. Allowing multiple pressure and flow combinations.
  • A simple to use system with pinpoint accuracy and ensuring safety. Guaranteeing the long-term performance of the compressor.
  • A system that gives you the versatility of three machines in one package.

Technical Data

For more information on the Utility compressor range please contact your local dealer or call 1800 733 782.


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